2024 Forum on Local Land Conservation in Cumberland County
October 2 @ 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm
This educational and networking forum aims to present successful models of local land conservation funding programs from county, municipal and land trust perspectives in Pennsylvania. This forum seeks to inform elected officials, municipal/county staff, and conservation nonprofit partners about viable funding streams and programs that could support new action in Cumberland County to conserve open space and improve quality of life.
Location: Allison Hall at Dickinson College, Community Room
99 Mooreland Avenue, Carlisle, PA 17013
Synopsis of Agenda
- Overview of Cumberland County landscape and its draft Land Partnerships Plan
- Overview of the benefits of open space preservation and potential public and private funding sources
- County & Municipal perspectives on successful open space conservation programs
- Question & Answer Panel to address your questions about such programs
There will be 30 minutes for informal networking both before and after the formal 3:00-5:30pm agenda, so please feel free to come early or stay late!
Conservation of open space can bring a wide range of benefits to Cumberland County, including:
- balance smart growth by helping the county sustain its agricultural heritage and rural character;
- provide opportunities for healthy outdoor recreation;
- sustain crucial habitat for plants and wildlife and maintain high water quality;
- mitigate effects of excessive heat and heightened flood risk; and
- deliver economic benefits and jobs in agriculture, wood products, and tourism.
Please address any questions to: Jason Beale (email: jbeale@centralpaconservancy.org , phone: 717-241-4360).
Register HERE.