Spring State of the Region Update:

This spring we have been diligently working to explore and move forward the State of the Region Action Plan projects. What this has looked like for us:

  • Outreach: We are working with our county planning partners to reach important county decision makers and influencers. In May we presented to the Cumberland County Planning Commission and we are securing presentation opportunities with Franklin and York county Commissioners. In addition, we are presenting to many local groups such as the Wellspan Physicians group in Chambersburg and the Chambersburg and Waynesboro Rotary Clubs.
  • Natural Heritage Inventory: We are securing contracts between Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, and York counties and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy in order for the final green light to be given to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy to begin work. Three of the four county agreements are about to be finalized.
  • Expand Regional Trails & Connectivity: We submitted funding to PA DCNR to convene a Regional Trail Coalition. This step is meant to create the foundation for long term, regionally scaled strategic work run primarily by trail stakeholders and partners. If funded, the project includes research of other regional multi-use trail groups and develop the organizational structure of such a group here; create a map of existing, planned, and proposed trails in the region; and hold a regional summit.
  • Wildlife Corridors and Greenways: we convened the region’s land trust and agricultural preservation groups in May to explore an application to the NRCS Regional Conservation Partnerships Program.
  • Inventory cultural/historic resources: We met with representatives of the State Historic Preservation Office to understand funding resources and collect example scopes of work and budgets.